Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Siksa Kubur

Foto ini adalah seorang pemuda berusia 18 tahun yang meninggal di salah satu rumah sakit di Oman. Mayat pemuda tersebut di gali kembali dari kuburnya setelah 3 jam dimakamkan yang disaksikan oleh ayahnya. Pemuda tersebut meninggal di rumah sakit dan setelah dimandikan dan dimakamkan secara islam pada hari itu juga.

Tetapi setelah pemakaman ayahnya merasa ragu atas diagnosa dokter dan menginginkan untuk di identifikasi kebenaran penyebab kematiannya. Seluruh kerabat dan teman-temannya begitu terkejut saat mereka melihat kondisi mayat. Mayat tersebut begitu berbeda dalam 3 jam. Dia berubah tampak ke abu-abuan seperti orang yang sudah tua.

Dengan tampak jelas bekas siksaan dan pukulan yang amat keras dan dengan tulang-tulang kaki dan tangan yang hancur begitu juga ujung-ujungnya sehingga menekan kebadannya.

Seluruh badan dan mukanya memar. Matanya yang terbuka memperlihatkan ketakutan, kesakitan dan keputus-asaan. Darah yang begitu jelas menandakan bahwa pemuda tersebut sedang mendapatkan siksaan yang amat berat.

Cara Menghapus Account Friendster dan Facebook

Mungkin kamu sudah bosan atau mempunyai masalah dengan account friendster atau facebook kamu dan mengharuskan kamu untuk menghapus account tersebut. Berikut tipsnya supaya kamu bisa ngedelete account kamu....:

1. Login Seperti biasa di friendster dengan menggunakan email dan password friendster yang mau kamu hapus
2. Setelah login, pilih menu setting yang ada pada bagian pojok kanan atas halaman friendster kamu
3. Setelah muncul halaman baru, lihat pada bagian bawah halaman friendster tersebut, dan coba lihat dan klik tulisan cancel account
4. Kemudian muncul halaman baru, dan disini kamu akan diminta memasukkan alamat email friendster kamu, sekaligus password friendster tersebut
5. Untuk mengahiri misi kamu dalam hal menghapus account friendster yang dimaksud, silahkan tekan tanda proceed
Daaaaannnn, account friendster kamu telah berhasil di delete. Sudah terbukti kok...

Beda sama friendster yang agak ribet cara ngedeletenya, facebook lebih mempermudah kita dalam penghapusan account. Tapi accountnya ga langsung di hapus, tapi di proses dulu untuk penghapusan account tersebut oleh pihak facebook.
Cukup kunjungi alamat
Setelah halamanya muncul, masukkan alamat email facebook kamu pada bagian gambar yang diberikan tanda kotak warna biru. Kemudian tekan submit yang diberikan tanda kotak warna merah. Tinggal nunggu beberapa saat kedepan, maka account facebook kamu akan dihapus oleh pihak facebook..


Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Tulisan Allah SWT dan Nabi Muhamaad SAW di Peta Dunia

Ternyata peta dunia kalau di balik terbentuk tulisan Allah swt dan nabi Muhammad saw.
Q.S. An’aam (6:75) “Dan demikianlah Kami perlihatkan kepada Ibrahim tanda-tanda keagungan di langit dan bumi dan agar dia termasuk orang yang yakin.”
Hmmm, udah banyak tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah yg bisa kita lihat.
Ternyata Allah memang membuktikan janji-Nya, dan Islam telah menjadi agama yang sempurna..

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

This night..

Amazing places..

Here is a list of the top 5 most beautiful places in the world. As the places below, which consider the most beautiful places in the world...???
Ok, check this out.........

1. The Door to Hell, Turkmenistan.

Door to Hell is the most amazing place in the world, it is located in Turkmenistan. Mine gas from 1971, to examine the geological survey of the area. The following continuous bursts of fire at what happened, is held under the swallow all their equipment. It has been poisoned as a geologist, and nobody dared to go down to the crater. Maybe someday, someone will enter that door and know what exactly happen.

2. The Great Dune of Pyla, France.

It's also one of the amazing place as well as very famous and unique place. Pyla dunes are unique in Europe, 3 km, 500 m, has a length of 100 m height range. This place is famous for paragliding place of work. We also wonderfully unique addition to the views of the surrounding sand dunes can be seen from the high seas and forests.

3. Mount Roraima, Venezuela, Brazil and Guyan.

In my opinion it is also amazing place in the world. No Doubt Mount Roraima is a very beautiful place. The table is mounted in the cloud shape, this stone is unique. The only way to get on the roof in the table, the path climbs the steps, the Venezuelan government had planned.

4. Rotorua, New Zealand.

It is a coastal town south of the lake with the same name. It is located in New Zealand. There are many features of this place such as swimming pool and boiling mud. Surrounded by many tourists, is distinctive and attractive. I hope you must have a wish to see this amazing place.

5. Socotra, Republic of Yemen.

It is also one of the best and amazing place in the world. Socotra is one of the world’s most bizarre place. Dasa any strange presence around the tree and the shape of most people, this anomaly can increase the image of the strange plants and objects. As well as dragon’s blood tree is known, it calls the plant. It is strange, looks like an umbrella with a very unusual shape. This tree produces a red juice.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

One picture, billion means..

People around me..

I'm still alive.. :)
It's not because i eat everyday, actually it's because people around me.
They are so precious in my life.
I can't life without them.
Whatever that they did, i will always love them. Because they are part of me. And I can't be fine if one of me is lose.
I wanna say thank's to them, because they are always be my inspiration.
Wherever I'm, they will always in my heart and my mind.
They make me alive.. :)
Check this out.... ♦♦♦♦

1st, my father.
He is a knight in our family. Never give up to make his family always happy. He is a hard worker. My father type is never siting up sweetly. He likes to doing something work than be a sweet person. Sometimes, he is becoming angry. It's because of me too, maybe I don't hear what he says. I know actually, whatever that he says, he always wants something good for her daughter. Just sometimes, different opinions between him and me. And.., ya.., a small dispute happens.. ^^
Anyway, he teached me how to be strong with his characteristic. His spirit, it's always be my spirit too. I ♥ him so much..

2nd, my mother.
If my father a knight, then my mother is an angel. Yap, they are a great couple.. ^^
From them, I was born. My mother type is a soft people. But, don't think she can't getting mad. I tell u, she can.
Hmmm...., i like her profile, down to earth.. :)
Always like that, doesn't matter them, she is always kind to the others.
She teached me how to make this life full of love. She is a great woman.
I like her foods, it's always suitable in my tounge.
Never complain with her foods (except burnt foods, it's bitter you know..) :D
Till the end, I'll always ♥ her..

3rd, my sister.
She is a little fat, right? hehehe... ^^
Just kidding..
Actually she is not. She is cute on my eyes.. :)
Just sometimes if she makes me mad, then i'll tell her if she is fat.. :D
Gossip between sisterhood.
I'd love to call her "bulek". I don't remember exactly why my others sibling call her like that. I think it's because she is sooooo circle when she is still be a baby..hahahah... :D
(mudah2an aja orangnya kagak liat blog ni)
But, she is my sweet sister.. :)
She likes math lesson. Her ambition is to be a math's teacher. Hmm,, as a good sister, i just can pray.., hope her ambition can be a true..amiinnn.. :)

4th, my brother.
Give me a toast....!!!
He is damn cute right..??? :D
Sometimes, if i can't controle my emotion i always kiss him or pinch his cheek.. :D
He is 5 years old, but because he likes eating, so his body becomes like that.. :D
He is so funny. I don't know why, he like to fight with Yana than me. When both of them meet..,,,,,,,,........,,,,,,,,, u can guess what will happen.
He is hyperactive. I think it's normal in his age. He is gonna fight with you if u brave to change his tv channel if he is watching his movies. I can proof it.. :D
And all people in this home, exactly understand about it..

5th, my big family.... :)

6th, my friends.... :)

I just can say thank you so much because being with me..

Rahasia Batu Malin Kundang

Para ilmuwan di Univeritas Oxford baru-baru ini telah memecahkan misteri batu Malin Kundang di tanah Minang. Sekian lama batu yang menyerupai sosok tokoh Malin Kundang tersebut, dalam cerita rakyat Minang, diyakini hanya merupakan cerita legenda belaka.
Namun para ahli sekarang telah mengetahui bahwa batu tersebut diawetkan dengan formula canggih khas resep Indonesia yang kehebatannya melebihi ramuan para Mummi dari Mesir. Formula rahasia Malin Kundang terkuak setelah ditemukan sisa-sisa cairan yang terdapat pada botol, terkubur secara aman, tak jauh dari batu Malin Kundang.
Pada label botol tersebut tertulis dengan jelas “FOR: Malin” yang artinya “untuk Malin”. Penduduk sekitarnya dan rakyat Indonesia pada umumnya biasa menyebut “formalin” yaitu sebuah resep rahasia nenek moyang yang biasa digunakan untuk mengawetkan mayat, namun karena kenaikan harga BBM dan krisis yang berkepanjangan, formalin saat ini lazim dipakai untuk mengawetkan tahu, ikan asin, bakso, mie basah dan tentu saja mayat.
Seperti dapat terlihat pada batu Malin Kundang yang masih tetap awet sampai sekarang di tanah Minang.